Friday, October 26, 2007

Searchers Complain of Search Fatigue

A recent market study by Kelton Research study reported over 70% of adult searchers experiencing something called "search engine fatigue" when they look up a topic on popular engines.

The study defined "Search Fatigue" as impatience or frustration at not finding the exact information a person searched for right away.

"As people use the Internet at home more and more users get broadband, what was once fast is now slow," said David Hallerman, senior analyst at eMarketer. "This is the nature of computing, not just the Internet and search engines."

According to a recent CNBC piece on the subject "Yahoo is making Web search faster by introducing new ways of predicting what users are looking for, while seeking to keep pace with rivals by including video, audio and picture results as answers to text searches."

Earlier this month Yahoo release features aimed at better understanding the needs of consumers conducting certain kinds of searches and to get them to the information they seek on the first try.