Friday, August 31, 2007

Google Crawling Certain Blogs Every Few Minutes

Google's Crawlers have gotten so efficient in recent months, that highly ranked blogs and other very dynamic content are being spidered in near real time. SearchNews recently reported a record One Minute Crawl time, and shared some excerpts of communication back and forth to Google. What this means is, once significant page rank is acquired, fresh content is still one of THE best proven methods of getting the spider to come back faster and faster. The more often search spiders are visiting your site, and the quicker they are re-indexing your content, the more opportunities you'll have to optimize in a shorter period of time.

If this isn't enough motivation to keep your content fresh and up to date, I don't know what is.

So, be on the lookout for many more job postings for Web content writing and editing in all consumer directed and retail businesses, with lot's of online draw.

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